Facts about health


- Our bodies are very close to being identical to the gorilla, yet we eat like tigers. Let that simmer for a minute. 

- Gorillas, pound for pound, are the strongest animals on earth. 

- Gorillas only eat plant based products (leafy greens, nuts, and seeds)

- Humans eat like tigers. We are the sickest and fattest animals on earth.

- Our bodies are NOT made to digest any type of animal proteins. The body sees animal products as a foreign object; not as food. 

-  Heart disease and cancer are the number one killers in the U.S.

-  When more than 51% of the food that we eat is cooked the body starts a process called leukocytosis. It generates white cell activity against food you’re eating because that food is seen as a toxin. This causes your immune system to focus all or most of it's energy on digesting this food. This lowers your immune system's ability to function normally. This causes the body to become vulnerable. 

- Spirulina has the highest protein content of any food in the world. Spirulina is a plant based food; not steak.

- You can have big muscles as a vegan :)

The Max Plant Institute discovered that when ANY food is cooked that 50% of the protein in that food is destroyed (That steak doesn't have as much protein as you think)

 Raw Cacao beans have the highest natural content in chromium, iron (not red meats!), manganese,   zinc, copper, vitamin c, and antioxidants (all vitamins and minerals essential to a healthy metabolism). When cacao is turned into processed chocolate it loses all of these natural vitamins and minerals.

  Less than 6% of graduating physicians in the USA receive any formal training in nutrition (I just thought this was interesting)

- When the body is nourished it has the ability to heal itself. 

 2 handfuls of cashews give you the therapeutic equivalent of a dose of Prozac. 

Dr. Max Gerson (1930’s 1940’s) did a study showing that vitamins and large quantities of veggies juices and organic foods would help to cure cancer. He had a 50% cure rate with terminally ill cancer patients.  

  Americans spend 2.2 trillion dollars a year in health care. That’s more than 5x the defense budget.

- Healthy eating is the original health insurance.

500 calories of plant based food fills the stomach completely sending signals to the brain that we are full. 500 calories of processed food fills the stomach far less, therefore telling the brain that we are still hungry and need more food.

   “He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the time of his doctor” – ancient Chinese proverb

 Contrary to the popular belief, the higher amount of dairy in ones diet leads to a higher risk for osteoporosis.   Animal protein tends to create an acid like condition of the body called metabolic acidosis. The bodies defense in the condition is to call upon the most acid reducing substance in our bodies;mainly calcium. By this, our bones are weekend, not strengthened, giving us a higher risk for osteoporosis.  

  The relationship between milk and prostate cancer is as strong as the relationship with cigarettes and lung cancer.

  It takes over 10x the amount of fossil fuels to produce a calorie of animal based food then it does to produce a calorie of plant based food

According to the United Nations the livestock industry is a greater contributor to global warming than the entire transportation industry.

Food Matters. 2008. Documentary.
Forks Over Knives. Dir. Lee Fulkerson. 2011. Documentary.
Hungry For Change. Dir. James Colquhoun. 2012. Documentary.
Snyder, Kimberly. The Beauty Detox Solution. Richmond: Harlequin, 2013. Print.
"Vegucated Documentary." Kind Green Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2013.

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